Remembering Ryan Haig Bozajian
Two weeks ago today my dear brother, Boz, died in a car crash on Mount Shasta. His family held a beautiful memorial service for him today. My heart has been cracked open in so many ways in the past weeks. Only 4 weeks before Boz’z death our dear mutual sister, Toni Lane Casserly, also died. Having two beloved luminaries in systems change die within a month of each other does not feel coincidental. There are great shifts upon us and I sense the presence of both Boz, Toni along with many others.
Boz was a mythical character. His contributions and energy will never be forgotten. He was one of the greatest thinkers of our generation— ahead of our present time. He and I had many idea babies together. We’d love our all-night conversations that ranged widely from the nature of reality to strategies to transition society. We shared experiences with time itself. Boz put the Meta in the Metaverse. He was always surrounded by synchronicity.
On one occasion when driving across the Golden Gate Bridge, we birthed the 4 Ps map: Picture, Pattern, Puzzle, Portal:
Picture — Not all pictures are equal. Sometimes life is in HD — When you’re in a high fidelity moment pay attention.
Pattern — The melody of nature lies in the patterns. We can see patterns everywhere and they hold the secrets of the universe.
Puzzle — We all go through life collecting puzzle pieces as our own unique epiphanies that shape our worldview and dharma.
Portal — When one is a hollow bone for new information or story to be birthed. The portal comes through not from.
I’d recommend you listen to this beautiful talk with our dear friend Rak:
There is so much that can be said about Boz. He helped me remember what it means to remember the future. I wanted to share some advice Boz shared for me in an email that feels relevant and timely wisdom for the collective:
“Many of us have been getting some tremors in the force lately. Weird friction popping up in our flow trajectories.
When obstacles rise and friction rubs, it tempts us into trying to over control and push too hard, especially when we’re following a strong call.
This ripples our water as we get subjected by struggle.
Then we aren’t seeing the vision of the future clearly, we’ve been rattled out of it.
Threats naturally have this effect, especially on the survival and scarcity levels of vibration.
but …
…the ship is steered where we gaze…
Rather than allow the reflection in your water to be rippled by the threats of fear and desire, hold all that arises in the clear remembrance of the future.
Dance through the obstacles that arise in the matrix like the phantasms that they are. They test you and tempt you and therefore bring you down into their vibratory frequency to meet them. You can go meet them to solve their puzzle, but do it by remembering them back up to your vision, not by forgetting into their modulation.
It’s the same as with personifications of identity, Incarnate or Akashic.
All are masks of God.
If you fall for the mask, you’re lowering into being subjected by their frequency of forgetting. If you remember it’s a mask and see the Buddha’s face through it on the other side… then see even further through the Buddha’s beautiful portal to see your own face…
…the very face of God within the other…
then you raise the other’s remembrance and frequency.
It’s the same with places and events in the holography like we’ve discussed.
Don’t fall for the masks that try to ripple your water!
Remember the future!!!
Big love brother.
So good seeing you and being in your presence.
Your high vibes help me remember!!!