My tribute to my father on the 12th Anniversary of his death: Gaian Language
Today is the 12th anniversary of my fathers death. On this day 12 years ago my father woke up from a several week coma aged 82. His beloved wild garden robin called ‘Chuppie’ flew in through the kitchen window and through the house into his bedroom and onto Dad’s pillow. My stepmother and our carer, Trish, walked in and Dad had awoken. He was smiling staring Chuppie in the eyes, as if communing with his maker. Chuppie got up flew three time around the room and flew back out of the kitchen window. Dad then began to meet his death. With intention, in open consciousness, he took his last breath. He said my name, Lucian, three time and blew his final breath out with a kiss.
He lived his life on his terms up until his last breath.
He always inspired me with the vision of a universal planetary identity. He spoke 7 languages and held a vision for the completion of the Tower of Babel where we birth a universal planetary language.
In honour my father’s 12th death anniversary I would like to share UPGrade 76 — The United Planet vision of the Gaians Language. This is in celebration of Aether Day in the Ancient Future UP Game:
This was a love letter from the future where I wrote about the vision for Gaian Language:
Gaians throughout the world began to learn Gaian language and develop new culture and communication techniques. The biggest innovation came from a new awareness of time and sovereignty beyond it. We developed new means of communicating with the wisdom of our ancestors and the wisdom locked in our DNA that scientists once called junk DNA. In the capacity to communicate and decode the wisdom of the past we began to open up a new flow of communication with the future. We trained our intuitions to feel the ripples coming from the future. This began as a collective practice but has been mastered by many as a new form of polychronic communication. We are now able to incorporate the collective intelligence of generations of our descendants into the way we communicate with each other. We have developed a form of childlike faith in our own transformative power as we include 77 generations in the future in our decision making. It was a major breakthrough when we discovered that communicating with our past was the reverse gear to communicating with our future.
As more and more Gaians adopted the Gaian language we quickly accelerated our capacity to create collective harmonic flow. We expanded our physical, emotional, intuitive intelligence. We function like Planetary T-cells acting as Gaia’s immune system and tackling infections in the natural harmonic balance. We function as time traveling acupuncturists placing stories from a United Planet in order to transform the present into the stories we tell.
We remembered we are all citizens of Spaceship Earth. And it is Gaia herself steering the ship.
We birthed a planetary identity with the Gaian Oath:
We are a United Planet
I am Gaian
On my honour, I commit to a thriving civilisation in harmony with all life.”
As we are presently in the Golden Age UP Game in Switzerland, I found another Love letter I wrote following my mother’s death in 2017. This vision has since been birthed as the Gaian Language. I would like to dedicate this vision and dream to the legacy of my father — Arthur Tarnowski — who lived and loved life as a great ancestor the the past and future. I commit on his honour to do the same.
Enjoy the seed origin story of the Gaian language in his honour:
“For the first time in human history we are capable of co-creating a planetary civilisation. I propose a collaborative project to create a new language for the Planetary Age. This language would not belong to any single Nation State. It would belong to them all. A language for the world. A language for the whole human species.
Every great civilization has been shaped and influenced by their language. The Egyptians spoke Coptic. The Ancient Greeks spoke Ionic. The Romans spoke Latin. The Mesopotamians spoke Sumerian. The Chinese spoke Mandarin. The Ancient Indians spoke Sanskrit. The Aztecs spoke Nahuatl. Language has become to be known as one of the most defining characteristics of a civilisation.
I propose it is an optimal time to create a language that is intentional about the kind of species we wish to be. Language is a map. It is shapes our thoughts and actions. Language influences our culture and vice versa. If we choose our words with intention we could honor our past and shape the future we wish to create. Words are a constant reminder of our duality, constantly reenforcing of the illusion of separation. We could choose words that have a centripetal force on society rather than centrifugal force.
Imagine if we could launch a global project to be intentional with every choice of word — every noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection had a design intention to be a constant reminder of our interdependence. We could create a ‘Civic Core’ (like the Peace Corp but for linguists) to develop words and sentence structures and offer free training to anyone that wished to learn. I would hope that within a decade we even see a billion people learn a new language. This might be one of the best Aikido moves we have to birth a planetary civilization in the next decade. We would likely only need 4% of any given population to learn Civic before the tipping point would happen.
Our time is running out. We face existential threats from multiple fronts. Whether it be climate change, famine, drought, rising inequality, destructive technologies, automated weapons and many more challenges. These challenges are planetary in nature. I would argue language could be the first step in dealing with them in an interdependent and peaceful way. I dream to hear Civic spoken around the world in a way that honors the past, celebrates the future and shapes the present.
My father, Count Arthur Tarnowski, wrote in a 1978 letter: “Language is the unwitting culprit — and the life-sucking harpies of lassitude. To be intelligible words must convey concepts fixed and circumscribed — but in a deeper sense eventually dead, dead to heart’s afflatus. Arrested in this fixity, words become drained of that living, vibrant ever-changing marvel immanent in the reality, the ‘things’ they are meant to represent. Steeped in mawkishness, the spirit loses verve and freshness.”
My father was a master of language. He once told me we can have impact in this world through 3 ways:
1. Through the pose of the spoken word — Oratory
2. Through the power of the pen — writing
3. Through the power of action — always do all three
Today is Fire Day Fire

I am reminded of my fathers lesson to me where he said when others run from the fire a Tarnowski runs into the Fire. This is to me what nobility means. It rests in our heart. In our gut. In our microbiome. I connects us from our ancestors to our descendants.
My father was a timeless soul who I honor today on his 12th anniversary of his death. He was my original teacher. My original blueprint. My best friend. These are three expressions of his wisdom:
12 years ago my brother and I carried dad’s bamboo coffin out to the funeral to the crescendo of Beethovens’s Fifth Symphony and then immediately cutting to silence. This was my father’s last act of intentional living where he lives his life to the crescendo and then chooses science. It was inspired by this moment when he was living in a tribe in Iraq. On one occasion he creates this moment for himself. This moment symbolises my fathers Joie de’Vivre!
‘On another occasion I lugged a gramophone into the desert outside Bagdad to play Beethoven’s Fifth and Seventh Symphonies at full volume. The cascades of sound billowed across the solitude, impassive, enduring, as the dunes surged and rippled into the distance, into the expanses of grandeur. As if both were drawn from the Absolute, the sound and the stillness coalesced to conjure up moments of that rare ecstatic rapture, when one’s spirit transcends time and identity to partake of the Divine.’